Basic Training for Ships Using Fuels Covered with the IGF (BIGF)

The BIGF course, also known as Basic Training for Ships Using Fuels Covered Within the IGF Code.

Fees : Rs.

Duration :

Eligibility :  The trainees / seafarer must have successfully completed approved Basic Safety Training course as per STCW Regulation VI/1 and Section A-VI/1 of STCW Code as amended.


Course Overview:

The purpose of this model course is to provide the knowledge and skills to all seafarers responsible for designated shipboard duties associated with the care, use of the fuel, or in emergency response to the fuel on board ships subject to the lnternational Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels (lGF Code).

Course Objective:

The overall aim of the course is to provide training to meet the minimum mandatory requirements for training and certification for masters, officers, ratings and other for service on ships using fuels covered within the IGF code, as per Regulation A-V/3 and Section A-V/3-1 of the lnternational Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and watchkeeping for seafarers (STCW), 1978, as amended.

Develop knowledge and skills for designated safety duties associated with the care, use, or emergency response to fuels on board ships subject to the IGF Code.

Contribute to the safe operation of a ship subject to IGF code. Take precautions to prevent hazards on a ship subject to the IGF code. Apply occupational health and safety precautions and measures. Respond to emergencies. Prevent pollution of the environment from the release of fuels found on ships subject to the IGF code.

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