One of the Lowest FEES among the MTI's

Comparison Table AMET City College Discount Fees With Previous fee Course Name ACC Previous fee ACC Discount price
1 Automatic Radar Plotting Aids (2122) Rs.8700 Rs.8000
2 Basic Safety Training [ BST= EFA+FPFF+PST+PSSR ] (6101) Rs.14500 Rs.9500
3 Basic Training for Liquified Gas Tanker Cargo Operations(LGTF) (5121) Rs.5900 Rs.5000
4 Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations (5111) Rs.4900 Rs.4000
5 Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (2123) Rs.12,999 Rs.12,000
6 Radar Observer Simulator (2121) Rs.10600 Rs.10000
7 Radar and Navigation Simulator (2221) Rs.9500 Rs.9000
8 Medical First Aid Rs.4500 Rs.4000
9 Refresher Training for Proficiency in RFPFF (6122) Rs.2500 Rs.2500
10 Refresher Training for Proficiency in PST (6112) Rs.2500 Rs.2500
11 Second Mate (FG) Competency Course (2111) Rs. 39000 Rs.30,000
12 Security Trng. for Seafarer with Designated Security Duties - STSDSD (6621) Rs.3500 Rs.2500
13 Vertical Integration Course For Trainers - VICT (1061) Rs.12295 Rs.12000
14 Crowd Management, Passenger Safety And Safety Training - (PSF) (5211) Rs.4000
15 Ship Security Officer - SSO Rs.4000
16 Chief Mate (FG) Phase I (2211) Rs.34900
17 Chief Mate (FG) Phase II (2212) Rs.39990
18 MEO Class I (3231) Rs.24500
19 MEO Class II (3211) Rs.33900
20 MEO Class IV Coaching for Exams Rs.10000
21 Basic Training for Ships Using Fuels Covered with the IGF (BIGF) (5311) Rs.8000
22 High Voltage Safety And Switch Gear - Operational Level Course (3123) Rs.3000
23 Revalidation Training for all Engineers & ETO Officers(RUT)/REO (1118) Rs.7000
24 Medical Care (MC)(6421) Rs.10000
25 Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations (TASCO)(5112) Rs.10900
26 Advanced Training for Gas Tanker Cargo Operations (GASCO)(5122) Rs.10900
27 Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations (CHEMCO)(5113) Rs.10900
28 Refresher Trainining in Medical First Aid Course (RMFA)(6412) Rs.2500
5% to 10% Discount For AMET University and AMET City College Alumni, Except Competency Courses.
Note: No Combined Discount. Only 1 Offer per person.